Stage 2: Fully Automated Prop Trading Account Management for a 100K Account


Stage 2 is crafted for ambitious traders aiming to skillfully manage a 100K Prop Trading account, leveraging our advanced GT FX Optimizer AI. This stage provides a strategic pathway to navigate Prop Trading challenges, optimizing profitability within the constraints of risk parameters.

Service Overview

  • Objective: Employ the GT FX Optimizer AI to manage a 100K Prop Trading account, focusing on maximizing profitability with precision.
  • Strategy: The service uses a calculated trading approach, targeting consistent returns while adhering to stringent risk management protocols established by Prop Trading firms.

Fees Structure

  • Setup Fee: Initiating this service requires a $3,000 one-time setup fee. This fee covers the customization of your trading strategy and the setup of a dedicated Virtual Private Server (VPS) for your account, ensuring it operates 24/7.
  • Performance Fee: A 30% performance fee on the monthly profits generated from your account underlines our commitment to your success.
  • Profit Distribution: Profits are distributed as follows: 50% to the client, 30% to us, and 20% to the Prop Trading firm.

Expected Profits

  • Monthly Profit Target: Aiming for a 4% to 6% return on the account each month, considering the risk limitations and strategic necessities of Prop Trading.
  • Example Profit Calculation:
    • For a 5% monthly profit on a 100K account ($5,000):
      • $2,500 (50%) is allocated to you, the client.
      • $1,500 (30%) is our performance fee.
      • $1,000 (20%) goes to the Prop Trading firm.

Risk Management

  • The GT FX Optimizer AI incorporates advanced risk management strategies to protect and grow your capital efficiently. We adjust trading parameters dynamically, based on ongoing market analysis and risk evaluation.

Advantages of Stage 2 for a 100K Account

  • Tailored Strategies: Optimized specifically for a 100K account, our AI-driven approach strategically balances risk with potential rewards.
  • Uninterrupted Trading: The one-time setup fee includes the creation of a VPS, ensuring constant activity and responsiveness to market opportunities.
  • Performance-Based Partnership: Our fee model ensures that our earnings are directly tied to generating profits for your account, creating a win-win situation.


Choosing Stage 2 for managing a 100K Prop Trading account opens the door to substantial growth opportunities with the support of cutting-edge AI technology. Our approach not only emphasizes strategic risk management but also aims for consistent monthly profits, laying a strong foundation for a successful trading journey. With the GT FX Optimizer AI, you engage in a partnership geared towards achieving mutual success in the dynamic Prop Trading arena.

Start with 100K Prop Trading Account Management